Opportunity Time
Opportunity Time
Opportunity Time is floor time for leads, where potential clients call our office line, and pick the extension that states they are looking for more info on a house, or are looking to buy or sell - the calls would get routed to you for the shift you sign up with!
How to Sign-Up
Log into your mykw.kw.com account with your Command log-in info
Then in the lower right corner, you’ll see MyKW MC297 Intranet, click there
Then click Market Center in red towards the top
Then click Resources also in red towards the top
From there you should see Opportunity Calendar
Click there and it will open the calendar for you to sign-up for your shift(s)
Once You’ve Signed Up
For the duration of the shift(s) you signed up for, you are on Opportunity Time. Ensure you’re somewhere you can access your phone, and computer where you can freely answer calls.
If someone calls, and it is not an opportunity for you to help them - kindly ask them to hang up, call back, and press extension #2 for Admin Help.
Be yourself and be safe! We encourage you to meet any caller/prospective in our office or a public location before meeting them at a house!
KWGM Policies
Every agent is able to sign up for 3 shifts per month themselves. Occasionally when there are additional shifts available, there will be a post in the Facebook Group about them - and they are free for anyone to claim.
My Listing, My Lead Policy - if a caller is a potential buyer asking about a home that is currently listed by an agent at KW Greater Metropolitan, it is your ethical duty to share the listing agent's contact information with the caller.